
Simple plans for everyone


First Month Free
$ 229.00
  • Our Compassion Expert panel
  • “Compassion based diet” Guidance and Resources
  • Children’s Yoga and Meditation teachings
  • Eco-Conscious Living Guidance and Resources
  • Mindfulness Support
  • Our Compassion Network of like minded families and Childcare Providers
  • Weekly live group sessions with Founder, Tricia Shields
  • Monthly live Masterminds with an Expert from our panel.
  • Discounts to Expert Services and/or Products
Most Popular


First Month Free
$ 19.00
  • Our Compassion Expert panel
  • “Compassion based diet” Guidance and Resources
  • Children’s Yoga and Meditation teachings
  • Eco-Conscious Living Guidance and Resources
  • Mindfulness Support
  • Our Compassion Network of like minded families and Childcare Providers
  • Weekly live group sessions with Founder, Tricia Shields
  • Monthly live Masterminds with an Expert from our panel.
  • Discounts to Expert Services and/or Products